Using technology to reach your fitness goals

Technology can help us with just about anything, including reaching our fitness goals. Whether you’re looking to get in shape, need some new workout ideas, or just want to be more mindful of your overall health, there are plenty of gadgets and apps to help you accomplish those goals. We’ve compiled a list of our […]
How to trade in your old devices

Have an old, unused smartphone sitting in a drawer somewhere? Instead of letting it collect dust, you may be able to trade it in for credit towards a new phone, tablet, and more, all thanks to the Cellular Sales Smartphone Trade-In program. Want to learn more? We’ve outlined all the details of the program, how […]
5 regifting tips for the holidays

Let’s be honest… sometimes we receive gifts that we don’t really like. Luckily, December 19th is National Regifting Day. Though this day was originally chosen in honor of office Christmas parties and Secret Santa gift exchanges, it’s also the perfect excuse to regift an old present that you don’t want anymore. Though it may […]
Streaming for free with unlimited data plans

Love streaming your favorite movies, shows and music on your smartphone, tablet or TV? With so many streaming services to choose from, it’s hard to decide which is best for you and your family. If you need help choosing, here’s some good news: with Verizon Unlimited data plans, you can stream the latest movies, music […]
4 fun Halloween alternatives to trick-or-treating

Halloween is right around the corner, which means choosing a fun costume, decorating your home, and collecting all the best candy. However, trick-or-treating isn’t always an option. Maybe you live on a busy street, or just don’t feel like dressing up this year. That doesn’t mean you can’t still be in the Halloween spirit! Here […]
Keeping your teen safe on the road

National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 20-26, 2019. What better time to teach your teen about staying safe on the road? It’s nerve-wracking sending your teen out on the road for the first time, but luckily there’s some pretty awesome technology out there built to help them learn good driving habits and drive safely. […]
How to stay hands-free on the road

Many states across the country have been keeping the roads safer by passing laws prohibiting cellphone use while driving. Even if your state doesn’t have a hands-free law in place, it’s good to get in the habit of putting the phone down when behind the wheel. Realistically, we know that’s easier said than done. That’s […]
The stunning new iPhone 11, 11 Pro & 11 Pro Max

During Apple’s Keynote Event on September 10th, the all-new, highly anticipated iPhone models were finally introduced: the iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max. From all new colors to some seriously awesome camera hardware, these new smartphones are just the right amount of everything. Let’s jump into the impressive features of the iPhone 11, […]
Mix, match and save with a new unlimited plan

Smartphones and tablets have quickly become one of the most important things in our lives. We use them to keep in touch, entertain ourselves, find our way from place to place and so much more. It’s time to get a wireless plan that works best for the way you like to use your devices. With […]
Apps for your post-grad lifestyle

Read about tips and tools for job hunting, apartment searching and other real-world skills!